Swac Tools
Swac Tools is a set of programs for GNU/Linux written in C++ that
allows you to get the most out of Shtooka words audio collections
At the moment, there are 4 programs:
- swac-get which enables you to load into a SQLite3 database of audio collections.
- swac-explore which allows you to browse the database and listen audio files.
- swac-play a simple command line player for SWAC audio collections.
- swac-scan a Vorbis Comment tags and Id3v2 tags scanner that enables the generation of XML indexes for SWAC audio collections.
These programs are distributed and licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL v3). You can get last sources at this adress :
Actual version numbers are:
- swac-get: 0.5
- swac-explore: 0.4.1
- swac-play 0.2
- swac-scan 0.2
Installation from Debian/Ubuntu packages
All the programs are available on the respective distribution packages repositoriesCompilation an installation from source packages
In order to compile the Swac Tools you will need the following libraries (it is added within parentheses the name of development packages under GNU/Linux Debian & Ubuntu):
- Libxml 2 (libxml2-dev)
- Bz2 (libbz2-dev)
- SQLite 3 (libsqlite3-dev)
To compile swac-explore:
- SQLite 3 (libsqlite3-dev)
- Gtkmm (libgtkmm-2.4-dev)
- GConfmm (libgconfmm-2.6-dev)
- GStreamer (libgstreamer0.10-dev)
To compile swac-play:
- SQLite 3 (libsqlite3-dev)
- GLibmm (libglibmm-2.4-dev)
- GStreamer (libgstreamer0.10-dev)
To compile swac-scan:
- GLibmm (libglibmm-2.4-dev)
- Flac++ (libflac++-dev)
- Ogg (libogg-dev)
- Vorbis (libvorbis-dev)
- id3tag (libid3tag0-dev)
Download the tarball of the software from the download page and uncompress it. Place yourself in the root directory of the project and execute:
./configure make sudo make installFor more information about the installation procedure, please read the INSTALL file.
Usage : swac-get clear|upgrade|update swac-get select|deselect <url|packid> swac-get source-select|source-deselect|source-delete <url> swac-get list|list-sources|list-available swac-get sql <query> swac-get [--help] [--version] Swac-get is a simple command line program which allow the downloading and installation in a SQlite3 of audio collections of words (SWAC). For more information, please, visit the Shtooka Project homepage at: http://shtooka.net/. Commands : clear clear database deselect <url|packid> delete records of the package <url>|<packid> from the database list list installed packages list-available list available packages list-sources list source repositories sql <query> execute a sql query in the database select <url|packid> insert records of the package <url>|<packid> in the database ex: swac-get select file:///usr/share/swac/monpaquet/ swac-get select http://packs.shtooka.net/monpaquet/ogg/ swac-get select fra-balm-voc source-delete <url> delete <url> from the repositories list source-deselect <url> deselect <url> from the repositories list source-select <url> add <url> from the repositories list update update the list of available packages upgrade upgrade installed packages Options : -t, --target <path> set the SQlite3 database path (default path is ~/.swac/swac.db) -v, --version print version information and exit -h, --help print this help and exit
You can for exemple get start by executing the following commands:
swac-get source-select http://packs.shtooka.net/ swac-get source-select file://usr/share/swac/ swac-get update swac-get select chi-balm-hsk1 swac-get select fra-balm-voc swac-get select eng-wcp-us ...Little explanation: we first select the "http://packs.shtooka.net/" and "/usr/share/swac/" as repositories. We "update" the list of available packages. Then we can install audio collections by providing there identifier.
Now you can run swac-explore!

Swac Explore under GNU/Linux Ubuntu
Downloading of SWAC collections with DEBIAN packages system
If you are running under a Debian or Ubuntu distribution, you can use apt to download collections. Just add the following line in your "/etc/apt/sources.list":deb http://deb.swac-collections.org/ binary/Then execute the following command:
sudo apt-get updateThen you will have new available packages called "swac-<lang>-<name>". For exemple try :
sudo apt-get install swac-chi-balm-voc
Normal way to download collections
Just get the .tar package that you want from swac-collections.org.